Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania
The Ministry of Tourism and Environment (MoTE) is a public institution responsible for the formulation and implementation of the policies related to environment, nature protection, waste management, environmental monitoring, forest, water quality, protected areas etc. Four national bodies operate under the Ministry as National Agencies, respectively:
the National Tourism Agency (NTA); the National Coastline Agency; the National Agency of Protected Areas (NAPA); and the National Environment Agency (NEA), with its Regional Environmental Directorates. Moreover, the Ministry exercises the task of controlling the territory through the State Inspectorate of Environment, which is attached to the NEA. The ministry employees experienced personnel and is fully supported on an administrative level.
Τέσσερεις Εθνικοί Φορείς λειτουργούν υπό την εποπτεία του Υπουργείου ως Εθνικές Υπηρεσίες αντίστοιχα: ο Εθνικός Οργανισμός Τουρισμού, ο Εθνικός Οργανισμός Ακτογραμμών, ο Εθνικός Οργανισμός Προστατευόμενων Περιοχών και ο Εθνικός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος με τις Περιφερειακές Δ/νσεις για το περιβάλλον. Επιπλέον, το Υπουργείο έχει την αρμοδιότητα ελέγχου της περιοχής μέσω της Επιθεώρησης του Περιβάλλοντος η οποία υπάγεται στον Εθνικό Οργανισμό Περιβάλλοντος. Το Υπουργείο είναι στελεχωμένο με έμπειρο προσωπικό και υποστηρίζεται πλήρως διοικητικά. In terms of environmental protection, the MoTE supports the valorization and safeguarding of diverse ecosystems, by ensuring a healthy and sustainable environment for existing and future generations.
More specifically, the Ministry of Tourism and Environment has committed to improve environmental conditions through the following priorities: * valorizing endangered and protected ecosystems by drafting the National Plans for Integrated Management of Protected Areas (PAs), of National Parks (KPs), and of Strict Natural Reserves (RNS) * integrating natural ecosystems with infrastructure and tourism projects. * promoting circular economy in solid waste management; etc. * preventing and containing erosion, through rapid-growth forestation and development of hydrotechnical protective works. * improving air quality through a better monitoring system of air pollutants in the major cities. The commitments of the Ministry to the tourism sector are in line with environmental protection directives, and support the development of sustainable tourism, cultural tourism, agro-tourism, etc.
Ministry of Tourism of Greece
a) The planning and formulation of a tourism policy. The planning of tourism development within the framework of the general government policy and the formulation and promotion of the necessary institutional - and other -regulations.
b) The collaboration with the co-competent Ministries for the alignment of the policies affecting tourism and the coordination of actions aimed to enhance tourism development, creating a safe environment for undertaking investment initiatives in the sector and improving the quality and competitiveness of the country's tourism.
c) The representation of the country in international organizations and interstate relations concerning tourism and the employment of international conventions referring to the tourism sector and bilateral agreements of tourism cooperation.
d) The upgrading of the provided tourism services through the implementation of education training programs
The Ministry of Tourism participates in the ALTTOUR project of the Interreg IPA CBC Program Greece-Albania 2014-2020 as a beneficiary
Hellenic Association of Municipalities with Thermal Springs
Hellenic Association of Municipalities with Thermal Springs was founded in 1983 in Kamena Vourla, while in 1985 the headquarters of the H.A.M.T.S were transferred in Thessaloniki where it operates until now. In 1989, it was converted into a Development Association under the provisions of Law 1416/84, while in 1993 its duration is expanded by fifty years and its objectives are extended to:
a) Development and dissemination of thermalism and its applications
b) Creation of an Educational Centre of thermalism
c) Promotion of the scientific research for the protection, development, and management of thermal natural resources and for the creation of a modern legal framework.
d) Provision of scientific and legal coverage on thermalism and geothermal energy topics of the members of the H.A.M.T.S
e) Organization of workshops and conferences for thermalism
f) Promotion of the objectives of H.A.M.T.S and Thermal Tourism
(g) Creation of thermalism branches across the country. Today, H.A.M.T.S Today H.A.M.T.S consists of 53 municipalities-members with geographical dispersion in 11 of the 13 regions of the country.
H.A.M.T.S board is composed by 74 representatives and by its Executive Committee which is elected by the Board of Directors, while the stint of the members and the bodies follow the respective municipal period.
The Association is comprised of members of first-level local Administration – Municipalities - in whose administrative boundaries there are acknowledged curative natural resources.
The Association, as a body that is aware of the situation, took the initiative to respond to the responsibilities and challenges that are dictated by the human needs for health care with the use of curative natural resources.
The Association considers every kind of hydrotherapy facilities in a thermalistic environment as units of the primary care of human health. These units, which affect the cultural environment of their area, are the key to the economy and development of the local communities, are related to the local history and tradition, set in motion numerous activities, and highlight the uniqueness of the character of the thermalistic environment. The Association, since its formation, supports and aids every developmental initiative of its members in the fields of Spa- Medical Tourism and in the energy usage of the hot water.
Goals of the Association
The promotion, and protection of the curative natural resources of our country, as well as their environment.
The promotion in Greece and abroad, of the curative thermalistic centers, every form of hydrotherapy treatment, prevention, and well-being, as well as all elements and works of art, history and culture that are connected to the curative springs, hydrotherapy- climatotherapy, thalasso-therapy and clay therapy.
The support of every form of therapeutic treatment, prevention and well –being with the use of the curative natural resources as well as every form of thalasso-therapy, climatotherapy, cave therapy, that are realised and have as a goal the care of the human physical and mental health.
The establishment, and promotion of the variety of the thermalistic therapeutic places of the country, as well as the support and promotion of every alternative form of tourism (religion, conference, nature loving, etc.) in the places of the curative natural resources and thermalistic centers.
The scientific research and study of the hydrogeological, chemical, biological, and environmental characteristics of the curative natural resources, the local history, the cultural elements that relate to the use of the curative springs as well as the statistic evaluation of the results of the thermalistic treatments.
The scientific research, verification, and evaluation of the results of the therapeutic indications- contraindications of the curative natural resources, of the environment and the climate conditions of the thermalistic therapeutic places. The realization of meetings, educational seminaries, conferences, scientific meetings that concern the sustainable development of thermalism, the sustainable management of the curative natural resources and of the environment and every other act or action that falls under the objectives of the Association.
Sustainable Environment Albania (SEA)
Sustainable Environment Albania (SEA) is an independent non-profit organization that aims to change the perception and awareness towards environmental protection through concrete actions. The organization was founded in 2014. SEA extends its activities to various environmentally sensitive issues, such as: recycling, ʺgreen lifeʺ, water conservation, tourism promotion, cultural heritage promotion, environmental education, volunteering, etc.
SEA has been part of several EU funded projects, as external consultants and as partners, to provide a genuine scientific and social contribution. The organization extends its contribution to national and international projects in the field of environment, education, volunteerism, etc.
The organization vision consists of building solutions and long-term partnerships with organizations or individuals who share our goals uncompromisingly for a better attitude towards our planet.